Ever since our kids were young we have had the tradition of rewarding them whenever they give a talk in church. When we get home, whoever gave the talk or scripture stands on our table and we chant, "hip hip horray, hip hip horray, hip hip horray!" while they bask in their glory. They then get rewarded two candy bars while the rest of us get one or they get a gigantic cookie while we get a regular size. Today McKay gave his first talk in sacrament meeting (which is in front of about 250 people!) and he chose peach cobbler for his dessert. As you can see, his is much bigger than the rest. Whenever the teachers ask for volunteers to give talks, they wonder why the Madsen kids are begging and pleading to be chosen!
There is no harm in bribery-I still get nervous giving a talk!
There is no harm in bribery-I still get nervous giving a talk!

Trinette's DELICIOUS peach cobbler
1 quart of sliced peaches
Open and drain only half of the liquid, pour remaining peaches and liquid in baking dish.
Mix together:
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
Add one egg and mix until mixture is crumbly
pour on top of peaches.
Melt 1/3 cup shortening and drizzle over peaches and topping.
Sprinkle with cinnamon.
Cook 350* for 35-40 minutes.
That is such a cute Madsen tradition. Hooray for Mckay! Now I'm craving peach cobbler.
He did a good job! I just made this peach cobbler on sunday. It's our favorite!
MaKay Way to go. I'm sure you gave a great talk and I know that not only are your parents pleased with your efforts but Heavenly Father is as well.-Aunt Colleen
I will have to remember this the next time I need someone to give a talk in Primary.
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