Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bandanna Bonanza!

My niece Jaden is here for 2 weeks and loves to create so we spent all weekend making some fun stuff out of bandannas.
We love to go on picnics and wanted to make a picnic
blanket that could fit our whole family!
We love bandannas!


  1. Love your quilt! Will you whip one out for me? I loved your pillow idea and had my kids copy it to keep them busy. They loved making them. I still can't believe that you did PJ pants with all of your kids last summer. I think pillows will be as far as I go.

  2. Adorable! I know you will have many fine outings with your family quilt.

  3. I'm teaching myself how to make a quilt. I made a bandana quilt for my husband, for when he comes home... I am stuck on the finish. I've got all the bandanas sewed together... That's all though... PLEASE help!!!!!
