Friday, June 19, 2009

Field trip Friday...

We went to Rock Ledge Ranch for our Friday Field Trip. It's a wonderful place where you step back in time and see how Indians and pioneers survived. You get to see the homes they would have lived in and the food they used to eat. The setting is magnificent and is surrounded by trees, ponds, streams and roaming ducks. It's a place you take a picnic and just let the kids be kids. No technology to swoop them away, no homes to clean, no errands to run.
You get to enjoy nature at its finest.
Hailey was attacking me and teething on my chin!

The kids love the big trees and climb to their hearts content!
Carson was not with us, he was busy at Cub Scout camp! We sure missed him.
This is the Indian setting where they tell you about their culture,
show you the toys they had back then and share Indian tales with you.
A big thanks to Amber and her four kiddos for joining us!


  1. Looks like everyone was having a grand old time. Great trees for climbing I see. Great photos as always - thanks for always keeping us up to date.
