Friday, July 24, 2009

Camping in Utah..

We went camping in Utah at Tanners Flat and had a blast!
Crafts, tinfoil dinners, fire starting contests, exploring and roasting marshmallows made it a night to remember, thanks G'pa and G'ma!

Tent preparations..

There was a volleyball pit there, the kids had fun trying to whoop their uncles!

Uncle Doug's DELICIOUS peach cobbler..

Uncle Hyrum..

Logan showing off the stick he found..

Hailey, me and Laura..

G'ma working on crafts with the kids..

Cute Ashley..

Peek a boo Hailey!

G'pa starting his fire..

Yummy tinfoil dinners..

Uncle Doug teaching Carson and McKay how to start a fire with a bow..

Alas, we have fire!

Happy Camping!

1 comment:

  1. Mom that last picture is SO SO cool! Camping was so much fun thank! Thanks for everything!
