Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The weekend...

Our weekend adventures included:
*McKay making his middle school golf team again.
*Picking Jason up from the airport and realizing we only have 5 more times of this.
*Me running the ADT half marathon and having my family at the finish.
*Logan being so sick he can't really talk or move (which is not normal for Logan!)
*Having my van almost blow up on me and realizing even though I am desperately wanting a new car, it is still much cheaper to just keep fixing Old Betsy.
*Laying outside on a blanket with our whole family talking, enjoying the weather and having no where to go.
*Having a yummy BBQ with friends.
*Staying up late with Jason watching a movie for our date night.
It was a lovely weekend...

My running buddies...
Trinette, Me, Heather and Megan
I came home to this wonderful note on our
driveway saying congrats from an anonymous person!
How fun and thank you!

My favorite thing to do-lay on a blanket outside in the shade while
surrounded by family!
The simple joys of life are priceless!

Now back to the daily grind and our crazy routine-
I wish weekends were longer!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for weekends with family, friends and running. Boo for breaking down vans and hubby in school. Your almost there!
