Monday, January 11, 2010

More beach fun...

Whew! A couple more posts and I will be done with the Mexico pictures!
I wasn't kidding when I said I took a ton of them!
Here are some random shots from the beach and the swimming pool.
My kids keep asking if we can move to Mexico,
I think they had a pretty good time if they are asking that!

A picture from my budding photographer son McKay..

The kids had fun making a raft out of boogy boards and their favorite part was they got all the free ice cream they wanted!

Notice Jason is on the bottom doing all of the work...

Justin catching some waves...

Jason catching some waves, I love his feet!

We would order drinks while hanging out at the beach and Hailey LOVED them!
She would go around and finish off everybody's strawberry daquaris!

1 comment:

  1. You look like you are from Mexico with how dark you are!
