Friday, June 11, 2010

How do I know it's summer?

Signs of summer:
Countless neighborhood children at our home-
this is one of my favorite sounds of summer,
hearing the laughing, screaming and pure joy of children playing-
Beautiful, colorful flowers everywhere-

Endless water play.
One of our favorites is playing at the movie theater water fountains
followed by gourmet cupcakes!

Hailey loves soda and noticed one in the trash,
she would of done just about anything for a sip!

Summer also means lots of camping.
McKay has been gone this whole week at boy scout camp.
We got to visit him for family scout night- it was fun to finally get to see him
and I am sure glad we have a shower for him when he comes home!

They constructed a swing there which was a hit for the younger kids...I

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Becki! I finally figured out what I was doing wrong when I tried to comment and so I'm doing it while it lasts! Your children are positively beautiful in every way! You're a great Mom, too! keep close to the Savior always. Love, G-ma
