Monday, August 2, 2010


A place where the inner kid can let loose!
I have no pictures of my older kids because they
didn't want to hang around the adults and little kids!
It was so much fun, I never tire of riding the big roller coasters and
watching my kids have a blast!

Uncle Doug and the oh-so-hip Gavin....

Super cute Hailey...

Logan is such a good sport, just look at him smooshed with little Gavin!

Hailey and Gavin...

Rachel and I...

Jason trying to show Logan how to make rides more fun...

Savvy, Hailey and cousin Sophia...

Jason and Savvy...

Hyrum, Rachel, Laura, Logan and Doug ready for some serious fun!

The little boats, I think every kid has a picture in one of these at one time or another,
Hailey got in trouble with the workers because all she wanted to do was get into the water and kept trying too!

More fun!

Grandpa is such a good sport and rode so many rides with our little kids!
Thanks Grandpa!

The kids say this was the funnest part of our trip!
Lagoon was awesome!