Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend-

Thanksgiving was wonderful!
We had one of the best weekends
and I even stayed away from any and all shopping on Black Friday! 
We had our wonderful neighbors over for Thanksgiving dinner which was a lot of fun!

Perfecting my gravy-

The Blakes and us

I had to take a picture of our neighbor Jordan.
This boy eats NOTHING but pizza for breakfast,
lunch and dinner and brought over his own homemade pizza for Thanksgiving dinner-
Too funny-

The next day we went bowling-

 Jason has the coolest bowling ball curve which usually ends up in a strike-
he rocks.

Me on the other hand-
well, let's put it this way- after my turn, the kids asked if I 
would like them to put the bumpers up for me-thank you kids!

The next day we took the four older kids on the incline with some friends of ours the McLays.
ALL of the kids made it to the top which is an amazing accomplishment!

 We also saw Tangled which is a must see movie, played hours and hours of games, fought off some sickness, read books and just hung out together.
It was a magical weekend!


  1. What a great holiday weekend! You guys sure did a lot too. I can't believe that kid only eats pizza. We had a missionary in our ward that wouldn't eat any fruit or veggies at members homes. Weird! I can't believe the kids did the incline. Way to go!

  2. Sounds like it was a wonderful long weekend. It took me a sec to see Hailey between Jason's legs at the bowling alley...she's so little! Good job to everyone who made it up the incline : ) I saw Tangled too, I liked it a the chamelion!

  3. Sounds and looks like it was one awesome Thanksgiving and the weather was beautiful because you got to be outdoors - it was freezing here. Glad you all had a great Thanksgiving.
