Thursday, January 13, 2011

The grandest Mr. Mom-

This past Monday, I embarked on a new journey with my body. 
I had a hysterectomy.
Six kids, 2 miscarriages and being an avid runner was making gravity take it's toll on my uterus.
The doc said I should do it now while still healthy.
He told Jason and I to decide if we were truly done having kids-
 I did not even hesitate to say yes.
After what we went through to get Hailey here safely, I didn't even question it.
My kids need a mom and we have done our fair share of
replenishing the earth with half a dozen kidlets.
So it is done.
And I am home healing and
Jason is the best Mr. mom and care taker ever. 
After he brought me this amazing lunch, 
I said I should get surgery more often and the look on his face was hilarious.
He likes our different roles, he is happy to take over my job for just a little bit to help out, 
but can't wait until I can be back to normal once again.
My kids agree, they don't like change and little Miss Hailey
has proved that once again by becoming un-potty trained.
Life is so great.

So a big thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, meals, phone calls, play dates, car pooling, flowers and gifts.
I truly am a rich woman to have such a loving family and loving friends!


  1. What a great lookin lunch! I love that he put lemons slices on the cokes! Too cute. Those little things are what make you realize how much they love & care for you. :) Love you!

  2. Looks like a pretty tasty lunch. Room service, anyone? Poor you and poor little Hailey - with trips, etc. it sure has been hard on her potty training schedule but I never heard of anyone starting kindergarten not being potty trained so no worries!
    Sounds like everyone is taking good care of you but then...don't you take good care of everyone?
    So I guess turn about is fair play.

  3. Wow! High fives to Jason. You sounded like a new women today. I'm happy you are on the up and up:}

  4. I too had the same surgery less then a month ago. I came back to work this week really feeling better but took a bad turn yesterday over doing it. So even though you feel better and think you're ok take it easy. Listen to the doctor. Enjoy being pampered and take it easy!
