Monday, February 21, 2011

Peaceful Puzzle Time-

Today in our noisy house there was a moment of silence
I know-
The older kids were off playing and all I could hear was the sweet sound
of a 2 year old playing with puzzles, singing and talking to the puzzle pieces.
It was so peaceful
and sweet
and made me smile
so I ran and got my camera to try and capture that sweet moment.....

I did good at not being noticed until I heard...
"What awe you doin mom?'
So peaceful and sweet...
Thanks little Hailey, I needed that!


  1. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. What a little doll. You captured that moment so well, too!

  2. So sweet! I love her expression in the last one.

  3. So intense and cute - enjoying her world. Love you Hailey!
