Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last day in Utah-

 Our last day in Utah was spent hanging with family, ice blocking, eating lots of food, 
playing in the water and goofing off with my 3 adorably fun sisters.

 What a guy- my dad tried the ice blocking even though 
it kept on slipping out from under us, it was fun!



I was laughing pretty hard at this picture-
Logan didn't want to get wet so he had Jaden carry him everywhere. 
Funny kid-

My sweet sister Jen.

Climbing high into the trees-

Sweet sissy Em with her cute boy Jaxton-

We have so much fun together!
I am so lucky to have my three sisters be three of my best friends!

 It was a great trip, we will sure miss everyone!


  1. Looks like you were all having a great time - having fun and making memories :)

  2. So glad I got to see you, even if it was for only one day!
