Sunday, November 4, 2012


Halloween came rather quickly this year-
 I love seeing the kids dress up but I must admit I HATE all the candy!
 Savvy was Batgirl this year...

Hailey was Rapunzel...

Carson was a skeleton, his friend Evan a faceless Santa and Blake was a football player...

Logan was the scream guy...

McKay was a ghost for a few minutes at school...

We ate our dinner in a pumpkin and of course celebrated Jason's birthday!
We try and spoil him all week since his birthday is on Halloween!

Pumpkin carving...

Savvy had a scarecrow day at her school on Halloween...

And cute Ashley and her friends were One Direction super heros...

It was a fabulously fun week and now I have to deal with 6 kids on a constant sugar rush for a couple of weeks!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

I stumbled across your blog via pinterest, and I must say, I love your traditions and enthusiasm with 6 kids. Between my boyfirend and I, we have 5, and my mission to be a better mom (to all of them) continues to evolve, and I just want to say how much I look up to you!

ps. My birthday is Halloween too, hence what made me comment on this post!