Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Chore Charts NOW on Sale!

It's Summer time!
Which means we have to entertain, discipline and encourage our kids.
Here are some fun
charts to help your Summer run a little smoother!

This Summer kit includes a reading log for the months of Summer (June, July and half of August) complete with rewards for completing each day's reading goal. It also includes: a daily Summer checklist, a service checklist, 4 sheets of consequences which can be put into a container or envelope and pulled out when a child needs it for leaving things out or not completing a desired task and 50+ subjects for kids to do research on and/or write essays to present to the family. An awesome value for a low price! Happy Summer! 
(clear container is not included it is to show you how you can put essay questions into the container as well as the consequence chores).

REMEMBER you can buy the everyday detailed chore charts BELOW!

Now $6.99
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Or buy them individually! 

This is 5 sheets of 50+ subjects for kids to do research on and/or write essays to present to the family. You can cut these and place them in a container and have the kids draw one subject each week and present the essay or research weekly. This is an example of one of the sheets.
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We all know how eager kids are to start their video game playing, friends playing or to just have any play time. This list makes sure all the required things are done before they can have that reward!
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This is a reading log for the months of Summer which include June, July and half of August AND includes the rewards that can be used if the reading goals are met. Here is a sample of one of the sheets and one of the 4 reward sheets (2 for 14 point rewards and 2 for 28 point rewards).

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This is a checklist to walk kids through 'serving others'. It helps them define each step they need to accomplish this goal. 
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This is a list of over 50 fun consequences you can use when kids keep leaving things out or to use to teach them something. Some of them are fun and some of them really make kids think about doing things or leaving things out again!
You can see how it works right

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