Saturday, January 24, 2009

socks and insanity...

Meet Mr. Sock Basket...
Mr. SB for short,
this basket holds socks for 16 feet, has a pile that never, ever disappears and seems to eat most sock matches.
Does anyone hate folding socks as much as I do?
I have even offered my kids a large sum of money to fold socks and they refuse.
now hiring
an official sock matcher, folder and put awayer...


Mindy said...

We do the same thing. We have a green basket with all the socks in it. Laundry is just no fun.

Trinette McCrary said...

How funny! Oh the lovely sock basket, maybe it will turn into money for us one day.

Cheeky Kitchen said...

I have the EXACT same basket for the EXACT same purpose.

I do not love folding socks, but if it's 3 p.m. and the kids are home and off playing and a good Oprah is on, I give myself serious veg-rites and sit down, chill, and fold. If only all those moments lined up more often, I wouldn't hear my kids say (every other morning), "Mooo-ooom there's no sooo-ooocks!"

Now, for the ironing...

Unknown said...

I hate SOCKS!!! That's why I LOVE summer time. I have sock folding parties so that I can hear my kids complain about matching and folding socks.

Emily H said...

Do you put the socks in actual drawers after they are folded? Or just leave them in there like we had growing up? I have a sock drawer in my bedroom. Actually 2. One for the folded ones and one for the ones with no match. Why I don't just chuck them I don't know. Probably because I know I will find the match as soon as I do. So we all share one sock drawer. Yes I wear my kids socks. It is the best when there are no clean matching socks and I notice when the kids come home from school that one of them have on an ankle sock and one knee sock. And why did I just write a sock essay?