Why do we blog?
A. Because it's a creative outlet
B. To share ideas
C. To preserve our family memories
D. To keep family/friends updated on our lives
E. Because we don't have to cut, paste and add stickers (though those that do this type of scrapbooking are saints... AKA super scrapbooker Laura!)
F. Because we can take our blog and make it into a book at www.blurb.com and there you have a year of scrapbooking done, just like that!
Answer: All of the above but especially F!
I do recommend getting the hardcover, I ordered the paperback
and within minutes, it was torn from the excitement of 6 kids looking at the book, so I had to reorder a hardback.
Awhile back I was feeling guilty about the time I put into our blog,
(which truly is only about two hours a week when you count the blogs I read) but then I was reading in D&C 25:8 when it says to Emma Smith to be an 'elect lady' some of "thy time shall be given to writing, and to learning much." And I truly believe it is a good thing to have a blog- to write, create, share and preserve our history!
So here's to all you bloggers out there!
Happy blogging!
A. Because it's a creative outlet
B. To share ideas
C. To preserve our family memories
D. To keep family/friends updated on our lives
E. Because we don't have to cut, paste and add stickers (though those that do this type of scrapbooking are saints... AKA super scrapbooker Laura!)
F. Because we can take our blog and make it into a book at www.blurb.com and there you have a year of scrapbooking done, just like that!
Answer: All of the above but especially F!
I do recommend getting the hardcover, I ordered the paperback
and within minutes, it was torn from the excitement of 6 kids looking at the book, so I had to reorder a hardback.
(which truly is only about two hours a week when you count the blogs I read) but then I was reading in D&C 25:8 when it says to Emma Smith to be an 'elect lady' some of "thy time shall be given to writing, and to learning much." And I truly believe it is a good thing to have a blog- to write, create, share and preserve our history!
So here's to all you bloggers out there!
Happy blogging!
1 comment:
I'm excited you got your book in the mail. The hard cover thing makes sense. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for putting forth the effort. We are spoiled today with all the computer tech.
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