Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break STAYCATION...

With our last day of Spring break we were stuck indoors
as we waited out the blizzard.
When it started to clear, the boys had a blast digging tunnels in the snow and Savannah had a blast just running around the couch!
(Oh the simple pleasures of a kid!)
Poor Ashley had a mild version of the flu that kept
her pretty much confined to the couch.
The night ended with a movie marathon
and the kids sleeping in the basement.
Spring break has come and gone too fast...
Let the count down to the last day of school begin!


Laura said...

And I thought our snow storm was bad this week!

It makes me smile to see your joyful children's faces : )

Sheila Madsen said...

Isn't it great that kids love snow - someone has to. I don't. I'm so ready for spring.