Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our quick getaway trip...

Jason had to fly to Colorado for a quick business trip and I got to tag along! My lovely sis Jen and her two kids came out to watch my kids! 

Baby Maddie

First stop was to see Jason's building.
Our kids worked so hard on this building when we first purchased it, it was so fun to see what it has become!

Get together with Madsen Real Estate Group
Jason is so fun and seriously so strong. 
I love that he can still climb a rope to the top!
I would fall on my face.


We stayed at the beautiful Broadmoor resort and Jason even talked me into playing golf with him. At first I hesitated but did it and ended up LOVING it!

We were able to fit in the Incline which is is a popular hiking trail rising above  The trail is the remains of a former incline railway and is famous for its steep grade, as steep as 68% in places! We love it!

It was the best weekend ever. I love this man.


RaCHeL said...

So fun for you to join him & go back to visit your old stomping grounds. Love & miss those mountains huh? Good for you to play golf. I would be hesitant too, but it's fun to do something our men like to do now & then together. :) You are gorgeous as always!

Unknown said...

Beyond awesome. Taking a time out of your normal lives for this should make you eligible for an award or two. Keep these golf outings up; who knows what new-found skill or tactic you can take from this.

Louise @ Winning Ways Golf