Thursday, September 29, 2011

Preschool for Hailey...

My baby has started preschool 2x a week.
She was so excited to go and loved her first day, loved her second day but the third day she realized 
it was an ongoing thing and tried everything to stay home through her big alligator tears..
"I am sick"
"I am tired"
"I hate it"
but the one that got me was,

"won't you miss your darling?"

I told her she could stay home if she wants because seriously
I don't think her school career will be affected but then she said, 
"no my friends will miss me too"
she is 3 and already knows how to work her mom.

Good on ya little darling, keep up the good work!
smooches xoxo

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nutty Sista Weekend...

I was so lucky to have my 3 sisters come and visit me this weekend!
Our favorite part was when we ran in the Dirty Girl Mud Run.
It was a 5k with 11 obstacles, of course our favorite obstacle was the mud crawl at the end
when we decided to wrestle each other. I had so much mud on me it was in my teeth and eyes.
It was a blast!
They are the most amazing, sweetest gals ever.
Our team name was the 'Nutty Sistas' because our maiden name was Nuttall.

Mis, Em, Me and Jen




Missy planking...
and afternoon naps with my kids.

A night on the town...

and a visit to Garden of the Gods...

Love you sisters! Thanks for making the trek to our home!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Oh my precious...

This is one of the most precious, hilarious videos. Jason is such an amazing piano player 
and Hailey is such an amazing singer. She sat down by her dad and this is what transpired...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's a new BLOG!!

I have been wanting to start a new blog forever...
one that I can put my ideas, thoughts, crafts, etc. on and not
bombard my family who just wants to see my family and others who just want to see
the crafts, ideas and thoughts with one blog.
So here I am to introduce to you....
Organic Families.
A blog where I and others will share our tried and true secrets of raising families.
I am no means an expert in parenting or anything for that matter.
I think
I read
I try
I beg
I plead
to raise amazing kids, have an amazing family and make a difference in this world.
I made this blog to help myself and share my ideas as well as others ideas 
on families. 

After all, raising a family is like planting a garden...
you plant
you nurture
you get frustrated
you nourish
you pick
and eventually,
you end up with an amazing reward in the end.
Good luck to us all who are in the race of raising
awesome families.

Go to the new blog 
and follow so you never miss a post!
Madsen's Memories will remain a blog about our everyday family lives with
a little less ideas and crafting!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunset Talks and farewell to Florida...

Sunset talks are my favorite.
It is so special to be able to watch the breathtaking
sunset while talking with our kids about their hopes, dreams and 

Of course I went camera crazy trying to capture the sunset!
I am amazed at it's beauty.

Farewell Florida-
thanks for the memories and sharing your beauty.
I hope our paths cross again soon!

Florida pool...

We rented a house in Florida, 4 stories to accommodate our ginourmous family complete with a pool in the backyard. We would come back after a long day at the beach and swim, talk and grill yummy food. 
It was a highlight each night!

My kids were raisins at the end of the day!


Jason's business partner had some jet ski's he let us borrow for an afternoon.
It was so much fun collecting sea shells, seeing jelly fish, dolphins and crabs!
Fantastically fun!

Florida continued...

We had so much fun playing in the soft, white sandy beach of Florida!
There were many sand castles...

Talking, eating, sun bathing...

Football games...

Yummy drinks...


This was hilarious..
These annoying birds would come and cry to my little girls for food and of 
course the girls thought it was amazing and would feed them all of our food
and then the birds would go tell their friends and families and we would be 
attacked! Thankfully the girls realized how fun it was to chase them after they fed them!

Burying in the sand...

Another hilarious moment..
Hailey refused to pee in the ocean (hey it's protein for the fish!) so instead of trekking to the far away bathroom, I made her a personal sand toilet and the problem was forever solved!

Raft rides...


Of course, some business calls from my 

More cuteness..

Love my man...