Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Day...

New Years day we went to Emily and Creed's home for dinner and a serious competition of American Idol. My dad whooped me in the competition,
I mean who wouldn't win an American Idol contest with a face like that?!

Jason, my dad and Hailey.
My sis Em.
McKay, with my nephew Kimball and my brother Harrison.
My step-mom Nicole and mom Carol.
Thanks for a fun night!


Emily H said...

You should come over so we can do it again.

Cheeky Kitchen said...

So yo those vocal chops dad? Who'dve guessed?!

Wherever you get them, I don't know if I'd dare vs. you in American Idol. You'd slaughter me. (Though it would be enjoyable to play just to hear you sing.)

Love these pictures. It looks so fun!