19 months and
570 days
of being a part-time single mom is
I get my partner back
the kids get their dad back.
Jason has completed his Executive MBA from Berkeley and Columbia University.
His graduation is in February 2010
but as we speak he is flying home from his LAST school trip!
The first time I drove him to the airport to go to school,
I was crying like a baby. I was taking my husband to what would be the start of over 30 trips.
He would be gone every two weeks, sometimes more, for 19 months.
I was scared, mad and worried.
I DID NOT want him to go.
How were we supposed to do this with 5 kids and one on the way?
And I will never forget what he said as my mascara was running down my face.
"We can either have this bring our family closer as we endure it together
or it can make us grow apart. It is our choice and our attitudes that will determine that."
As he boarded the plane and I was driving back to the house, praying really hard, I decided right then and there that I would support him 100%.
I would take on the challenge and grow with him, with a strong, happy and grateful attitude.
And I'll tell you what...
we have never been closer as a family.
Through that 19 months, there have been plenty of trials and tears
but plenty of good moments too.
Jason has met several friends, traveled the world, received a phenomenal education and even worked some real estate deals with the contacts he has made.
All and all it has been worth it and we would do it again in a heartbeat.
And I am sure this day will be similar to the first as my mascara will be running down my face, but this time I can say,
"WE did it babe."
And to celebrate....
the kids and I planned some fun things for him when he comes home.
the sign...

the treats...

the special recovery room...
Where he will get a fantabulous massage.
and best of all,
lots of hugs and kisses from us!
of being a part-time single mom is
I get my partner back
the kids get their dad back.
Jason has completed his Executive MBA from Berkeley and Columbia University.
His graduation is in February 2010
but as we speak he is flying home from his LAST school trip!
The first time I drove him to the airport to go to school,
I was crying like a baby. I was taking my husband to what would be the start of over 30 trips.
He would be gone every two weeks, sometimes more, for 19 months.
I was scared, mad and worried.
I DID NOT want him to go.
How were we supposed to do this with 5 kids and one on the way?
And I will never forget what he said as my mascara was running down my face.
"We can either have this bring our family closer as we endure it together
or it can make us grow apart. It is our choice and our attitudes that will determine that."
As he boarded the plane and I was driving back to the house, praying really hard, I decided right then and there that I would support him 100%.
I would take on the challenge and grow with him, with a strong, happy and grateful attitude.
And I'll tell you what...
we have never been closer as a family.
Through that 19 months, there have been plenty of trials and tears
but plenty of good moments too.
Jason has met several friends, traveled the world, received a phenomenal education and even worked some real estate deals with the contacts he has made.
All and all it has been worth it and we would do it again in a heartbeat.
And I am sure this day will be similar to the first as my mascara will be running down my face, but this time I can say,
"WE did it babe."
And to celebrate....
the kids and I planned some fun things for him when he comes home.
the sign...
the treats...

the special recovery room...
lots of hugs and kisses from us!
Congrats! You all did it and lived to tell! Happy day for the Madsen home. Enjoy your time together looks like fun.
Yayyyyy!! I can't imagine how you did it! Congrats to all of you :)
Kudos to the whole family! What lovely welcome home surprises!
SO PROUD OF YOU ALL - YOU ALL MADE IT! Many, many prayers have been offered up daily for you all that you would each have the strength to do what was needed and that you would be a strong, safe family. The Lord has been with you every step of the way. WAY TO GO one and all. CONGRATULATIONS.
HURRAY!! Dads finally home!!! Now he can spend each day with us! Great Job Dad I love you mom and dad!
I can totally feel the elated joy that you are feeling. We have seven more months and then I will be crying tears of joy. What a long journey, but totally worth it! Congrats and enjoy!
Good Job Becki for holding down the fort for 18 months! You are wonder woman! I know this small sacrafice will bring HUGE blessings...sounds like it already has!
Hey-I found your blog on Lyndsay's. I loved this post! Isn't it so true? Congrats on being done though! You have an adorable family!!!!
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