You know when this little girl...

starts doing this....

it's time for this...

Goodbye crib!
For the last 14 years you have been there for all of my six kids
and now it is time for us to move on
because we will no longer have any more little ones who need you.
sniff sniff
My kids are growing too fast
I am
Oh my Hailey! What a climber. :) I can't believe she's in a big girl bed. And I can't believe you're done with cribs! tear
Yipee for big girl beds! Hailey looks right at home : )
Oh how I remember this moment. Ugh, sad day!!
So sweet. Love it. They do grow fast.
Wow! Hailey has a big girl bed. It is very nice. Hope you sleep well in it.
So Hailey has graduated to a big girl bed. Way to go. But I know what you mean by sniff sniff Becky. Why is it that the baby of the family grows up soooo fast?!
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