Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well the week has been pretty busy...
Savvy and Hailey came down with a horrible bronchitis/croup/pre-RSV cold and had to have breathing treatments 2x a day AND this happened just days after they passed the horrible stomach flu around to every member of our family but me (oh so lucky)-
Poor girls.
By the weekend they were feeling better.

We got our Valentine cards sent out to family...
The kids had fun making their V-day boxes
(Logan's class didn't get to make any this year-party pooper teacher)

Carson's vending machine won the most 'original'

Ashley's shark took first place in her class...
Since it was the weekend of love
we went to a service project and assembled humanitarian bags for the people of Haiti.
had our annual Valentines breakfast and fondue dinner...
We hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day weekend!


RaCHeL said...

What a great weekend! So sorry to hear about the girls being sick. No fun! we had fondue last night too! These holidays are sure making it hard to be good! ;)

Emily H said...

I wish my kids school made Valentines boxes. Or maybe I should be glad we don't have to do all that work. The fondue looks yummy!